Virtual Care


You can visit the doctor from home. We are now offering telehealth visits by phone or video-call. If you don’t need an in-person visit, our health care representatives will schedule your appointment with our physicians.


New appointments

For new appointments, please give us a call at one of our Texas Tech Physicians locations nearest you.


Prior to your visit

Click on the following link to watch a video of our telemedicine platform for video-calls.

In order to assist you better through a telehealth visit, please be aware of the following:

Returning visits

For a returning visit, your health care team will connect with you via text, email and/or by phone on the day of your scheduled visit.

You will be able to access your telemedicine waiting room right through your smartphone self-registration process. If you are not familiar with this process, no worries, you will also receive a phone call when it is time to join the virtual visit.